Spring Bulbs

April 13, 2014

The crocuses were blooming a week ago and I am finally getting pictures posted to have a record of how late they were this year.  Spring is definitely here, though freezing weather and possibly some stray snow has been forecast for tomorrow, so it is a little early for planting.  The birds are building nests and things are greening up.

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One of my favorite flowers in the garden is this white daffodil, which opened yesterday.  It is ready for the first bees.  Yesterday I was cutting back ornamental grasses and a big bee surprised me by flying out of the center of the grass stalks.  Did I wake it up…?

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Another white flower is this white crocus.  This is one of the earlier snow crocuses, I think.

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By the time I wandered back into the garden this spring these tiny snow crocuses were pretty much finished blooming.

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This later purple crocus seems more substantial.  I love the design on the petals.

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Yellow crocuses come up through dragon’s blood sedum.

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From the kitchen I can see the mini daffodils that have opened this week, cheering up a drab landscape.  Soon the viburnum bushes will make that area very shady, but this time of year it gets full sun.

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Here is a close up of these cute little daffodils.

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The standard daffodils are opening up around the yard, too.

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Anemone.  Yesterday as I was cleaning up I noticed some leaves that I did not recognize.  Later I saw this cute flower above some of the same leaves and remembered that I planted some mixed color anemones last fall.  So far only the blue ones have bloomed. They are very tiny but a welcome addition to the garden.